Submitted in order to fulfill the assignment of Language in Society subject

Compiled by
M. Umar Harahap 033539
Hendra Supriyatna 034659
Ali Arifin 011900



Praise upon Allah SWT, who still blessing us with prosperity and kindness and also praise upon Muhammad the messenger of God, who has left us the holy Quran and Hadist so we can still be I his blessed path.
When the three of us met, we had never believed that we can finish this paper. As a matter of fact, Even though we had met for three times, we made nothing. There was too much elaboration.
At the end, while the time is running out, we have met to one decision that we were going to choose the topic entitled “3RD YEAR CHILDREN IMITATION THROUGH A SONG ENTITLED ‘KETAHUAN PACARAN LAGI’ BY MATA IN RELATION WITH THEIR EARLY LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. In this paper, basically, we try to answer, whether or why this song relate with the early language development of a 3rd year child.
So, with the existing of this paper, what we believed didn’t come true. We finally have finished this paper. The writers also, as learners, realize that this paper couldn’t be called perfect paper. There are probably many errors, and for that reason we expect good input from the reader of this paper.
We would send our thanks to Mrs. Yanti and Mr. Wahyu, without both of you , we would be confused with this subject again and also thanks to flopi net, for being our non-stop media in working this paper.


Linguists view that language exist along with the development of culture. It is said also, that the language forms the culture. Along with this, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, views language as a system used to facilitate communication. There are also many explanation on the language itself. By this means, language partially, is a way of sending our message. Through this partial definition, ways of sending message are various in reality. We know also, the language itself develop through the changing of time. Whether we can say that language can be recognized through the region where they stay. Linguists still argue or can be said different in using the jargon.
However, since the birth – Linguists, have develop the systemic rules in governing the way human send their message. Linguists have also made some stages to what human belong in their language development.
As a matter of fact, there are many explanations about this staging. As the explanations are varies in quantity, there is one, common staging, used in stratify the language development. Cause of the fact that there variety of language development, we try to analyze this development from their early development. And we have mention ‘early’ because it means that the object of this paper is children or infants. Furthermore, Piaget (1896-1980) hypothesized that infants are born with schemes operating at birth that he called “reflexes.” Speaking about reflex, we have found phenomena where children of this paper often use the words from a song as their early language.
According to wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Language development is a process that starts early in human life, when a person begins to acquire language by learning it as it is spoken and by mimicry. Children’s language development moves from simplicity to complexity. In relation with that, children as the subject of the language developer gain their own language through a variety of media, situations and time sequences.
Through a variety of media, situations and time sequences children develop their language based on what they get from, basically, audio and visual input or both of them, for example, television, radio, magazine, newspaper, and so forth. Those media, influence children in gaining words to be used in their daily language improvement.
In accordance with that, children, in their language development, are influenced by parents when interacted through these media. Usually, language starts off as recall of simple words without associated meaning, but as children age, words acquire meaning, and connections between words are formed. In time, sentences start to form as words are joined together to create logical meaning. As a child grows, new meanings and new associations are created and vocabulary increases as more words are learned.
Even though most children begin to vocalize and eventually verbalize at various ages and at different rates, they learn their first language without conscious instruction from parents or caretakers. It is a seemingly effortless task that grows increasingly difficult with age. Of course, before any learning can begin, the child must be biologically and socially mature enough.
One of the ways to develop their language, through media of audio, which is, a song, children mostly imitate the lyrics that is easy to be understood and repeated occasionally. In this case, the song that is going to be discussed is a song entitled ‘ketahuan pacaran lagi’ by mata. We choose this song, as a matter of fact, influenced by our finding that this song often, now, played and imitated by children in relation with their language development, especially, in 3rd year children of their age.


Dari awal aku tak pernah percaya
kata-katamu karena aku hanya melihat
semua dari parasmu
Terlanjur kau bilang padaku
Kau tak akan pernah selingkuh
Ternyata dirimu bermain dibelakangku
Saat ku melihatmu kau sedang bermesraan
Dengan seorang yang ku kenal
Oo..Oo.. kamu ketahuan pacaran lagi
Dengan dirinya teman baikku
Oo..Oo.. kamu ketahuan pacaran lagi
Dengan dirinya teman baikku
Tapi tak mengapa aku tak heran
Karena dirimu cinta sesaatku
For a third year children, presumably, almost imposible whether they can use and produce the song as their early language development. We mean all for real. Furthermore, the possibility arised the phenomena 3rd year children able to produce the chorus in an almost correct pronunciation. Through this interesting phenomena, we have come to try to find out why this phenomena happen?; is it possible, whether another children can do the exact way of pronuncing the sentences.
As we know, the characteristics of the song entitled ’ketahuan pacaran lagi’ by mata is quite easy to be well understood and reproduced by 3rd year children. However, we believe this question is in accordance with their basic language acquisitions: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Cause children receive the language through listening to this song. Then, why they can reproduce it in a well manner.
To answer the question, we have an assumption whether, the song, at the beginning, takes children’s’ attention and with that they easily to remember the words. This attractive song urges children motivation and response to this song by reproduce it on an on. Through the song, children listen to it and this gives them the fundamental characteristic in gaining their words through their language improvement.
Then, to what extent, this song able to make the children gain their language skills and develop their language in advance way. The answer comes from the changing of time along with the development of human brain. Through this assumption the easiest way why children easy to gain their words even sentences in their language development is adaptation. Piaget described two processes used by the individual in its attempt to adapt: assimilation and accommodation. Both of these processes are used throughout life as the person increasingly adapts to the environment in a more complex manner.
According to what we have learned, children, generally recognized their language through familiar voices and sounds, and through repeated voice children more easily gain their language development, reinforced by this fact, they easily recall the words.
Typically, through this practice they will get several language skills development, which are, 1) uses simple phrase; 2) responds to simple directions; 3) enjoys simple rhyme and song; 4) uses two to three words; 5) repeats words spoken by someone else.
In relation with the language skills, we have found that from the lyric, children tend to use and repeat this chorus:
Oo..Oo.. kamu ketahuan pacaran lagi
Dengan dirinya teman baikku
Oo..Oo.. kamu ketahuan pacaran lagi
Dengan dirinya teman baikku
This chorus represents the development of language skills. Based on the uses of simple phrase, “Oo..kamu ketahuan” is the most pointed words imitated by children. From the language point of view, this phrase attracts children attention. Besides, the children can respond to simple direction. The stressed “Oo..Oo” in this chorus is the directing and motivating the children in adapting the words come along with. This jargon can stimulate children to continue the song. It also could assist children to remember the part of words on the song.
The rhyme of the Mata’s song is an attraction to children and unconsciously children enjoy the song and remember the lyric. In line with this, Piaget outlined several principles for building cognitive structures. During all development stages, the child experiences his or her environment using whatever mental maps he or she has constructed so far. If the experience is a repeated one, it fits easily–or is assimilated–into the child’s cognitive structure so that he or she maintains mental “equilibrium.” If the experience is different or new, the child loses equilibrium, and alters his or her cognitive structure to accommodate the new conditions. By this way, children advance their language and develop through their responsive brain.
The other language skill development that influences children is that children can express the song. In this case, they use some words. That could be two or three words. The words which can express it is “Oo..Oo kamu ketahuan”.

In repeating song from someone else -from original singer or people singing a song is “Oo…oo kamu ketahuan” children are able to manage their selves to reproduce the lyrics which is produced by the original singer, even the lyrics only sung it through radio or other audio media.


The phenomena, is not far from the changing of time. The reason behind this phenomena is human always evolve, so with the 3rd year children. The period has changed so with the children. Now, if we said children characteristic like this, we can not say it once again when the time’s changed. This assumption can be related with the psychological aspect of children growth as mentioned by piaget.
Children’s language development, can be said, caused or affected by the environment and language of the environment affect the culture or the habit of children. Whether the environment is surrounded by song, then, children will mostly gain their language through that song while if the language used is Indonesia, children will gain Indonesia also.
Children characteristics grow uniquely; child time is the gold moment in learning language. Their brains easily take anything around their environment. However, the results are not influenced only by such factor. Besides, internal factors, there are external factors that come along with in influencing their language development.


Chaer, Abdul and leonie Agustian. 1995. Sosiolinguistic perkenalan awal. Bandung Rineka Cipta.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki./language development.htm



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki./william Labov.htm




Tsunami, this shocking word is always mentioned by many people and until now is still showed in every media which caused by the disaster that hit some places like in Aceh, Srilangka, India, Thailand, and other places and other regions that killed thousands of people. According to some theories, tsunami is a great ocean wave that happened because of earthquake or the blast of erupted mountain under the sea. Thus, what had happened in Aceh on Monday, December 26, 2005 was caused by an earthquake. Earthquake that has happened in Aceh was not an instant event. This effect for Aceh constitutes a hundred-year process where the pressure of Indian Ocean’s straight will be increased till passed by the strength of rocks, until the rocks beneath the archipelago will break and move-slide unexpectedly.
First, the ocean straight moved beneath the Sumatra Island, the islands adhere to the straight until pushed down and dragged beneath. It’s not strange for Aceh because the West Coast area has the potential to have it, because its position is on the line of continent straight’s collision. Where the ocean straight (Indian Ocean’s straight or Indo-australian straight) moved from south to the north, beneath of Mentawai archipelago and Sumatra island which the continent straight or what so-called Eurasian straight.
Then, once upon a time the connection between islands and straight broke, and soon after the islands bouncing up, the earthquake would be happened, as a picture, the rocks beneath the islands act as a spring which pushed slowly. When the strength of rocks passed by till break, then the pressure will be released suddenly and the islands will bouncing back to the west coast of Aceh.
Last, when the island rose, the sea level decreased away from the coast, however, returned again as a wave that so-called tsunami. Even thought tsunami can only as high as few centimeters, however, it could be tens of meters.
Those tens waves that wiped out west coast of Aceh, crushing the cities and the local inhabitants, then dragged people back to the sea. Unfortunately, people were late to realize if the tsunami had come.




We can never forget what was happened on December 26, 2004. A day after the Christian celebrated their anniversary, a seismic sea wave wiped out most part of the west coast of Aceh. This phenomenon was caused by tsunami or an undersea earthquake in the depth of south of Indian Ocean. A 9.0-magnitude undersea earthquake, the biggest in 40 years that ever happened, off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, triggered the giant waves. They spreaded across the Indian Ocean, struck from Indonesia to Thailand, India, and Sri Lanka and some other countries nearby. This devastating earthquake has made several effects that made this earthquake to be the most deadly earthquake since 1960 in Chile that killed thousands of lives. In Aceh, the effects of this occurrence are the death toll that is very shocked the people of the world, the damage of some cities in the public facilities and the local inhabitant houses, the economical impact to their people and the environmental consequence.

The first major effect of tsunami in Aceh is the death toll. Approximately more than 174.000 people were killed during and after the tsunami. It means half of citizen of Aceh became the victim of that disaster. The number of people who died is not the fixed one, because there are still thousands of people reported missing and separated from their family.

The second effect is the damage of some cities in public facilities and the local inhabitant houses. This wave struck few cities in Aceh. For example, the worst is Melaboh, and Banda Aceh itself that near west coast of Aceh. As a result, 62 percent of the local inhabitant houses in Aceh were destroyed because of tsunami. Consequently, it created a situation where the local citizen with no living place increased in a great number.

Another effect is the economical impact for the people in Indonesia and Aceh itself. As we know that Indonesia had just dealing with the Bali bombing, now it has dealt with this disaster. Because of the tsunami, the currency of ours touched the lowest level since the past three months. Then in Aceh, economic life of the people of Aceh is dying. Consequently, rupiah was decreased against dollar US. Then, the instability of the rupiah brought new problem where the traditional market that sells primary goods for the people influenced by this. The prices of many goods were increased rapidly.

The most apprehensive effect of tsunami in Aceh is the environmental consequence. Since the tsunami wiped out everything through them, which means the mangrove forests were devastated in the west coast of Aceh gone along with the current of tsunami. Therefore, the ecosystems of the mangrove forests become agony. What could be happened if the next tsunami happens when the mangrove forests have not been restored.

Not all the effects of tsunami in Aceh that I have mentioned above can be overcome in a short time. Those effects are only the major points, there are still many effects and the effects besides those four effects are still far beyond of this essay. Even though the tsunami just needs to take four hours to wipe out most part of west coast of Aceh, however, needs years to make Aceh likes before the coming of tsunami. Therefore, all of the strata of people should work together in order to manage and rearrange Aceh to be a better province among others.

ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN : The differences and similarities between them


The differences and similarities between them

            English and Indonesian, both of them broadly known as the languages that are being used by millions of people in the world. Those two languages are developing differently, in the developments, by their own way. English developments can’t be separated from the economic developments of the world. However, Indonesian developments are caused by its similarity with the Malaya language. This difference has brought us to identify the differences between English and Indonesian. In this case, we would like to emphasize it on some points.

We know that the language in the world is various, as in writing, pronunciations, structures and the pattern that relates with its circumstances. Then, the language that using the Latin words is phonetic and non-phonetic. Indonesian is the one that using the phonetic Latin. Means that there is conformity between the words and the sounds. For example, “Jakarta adalah Ibukota negara Indonesia” the pronunciation is the same with the words “jakarta adalah ibukota negara indonesia”. In contrast, in English the sentence “They doesn’t have money at all”, the pronunciation would be “dey dasn’t hev many et ol”, because the english is using the non-phonetic Latin.

Besides, in the reality the essence of language is various also. This happens on the sentence structure relating with the doer, first person, second person, third person and plural. English differentiates it with the addition of ‘s’ on the third person singular verb. For example, “I go to campus”,”You go to campus”,”We go to campus”,“He goes to School” or “She goes to school” (see the changes). Nevertheless, Indonesian doesn’t know the addition of ‘s’ on the third person singular. Those English examples if they are written in Indonesian would be, “Saya/kamu/kami/kita/dia/ia pergi ke sekolah”. From the translation, we can identify that Indonesian doesn’t differentiate the gender whether is it male or female.

Considered from the circumstance, English clearly differentiates it in the form of tenses. Like present tense, present continuos tense, past tense, past perfect tense, past continuos tense, and future tense. Unlike English, in Indonesian only put the information time word (adverb) in the sentence. Such kemarin, sekarang, besok, minggu/bulan/tahun depan. For example, ‘I wrote a letter at home yesterday ‘(past tense),”he was writing a letter at this time last week” (past continuos tense). The structure changes if the time component assert. While Indonesian doesn’t recognize those sentences structure. The time substance doesn’t change the sentence structure, only the information of time added. For example, “Saya/kami/dia/mereka menulis surat kemarin/kemarin dulu/minggu lalu/bulan lalu”. Moreover, the words order also different. For example, “My Grandfather lives in Medan” and the word order in Indonesian would be like, “Kakek Saya tinggal di Medan”. Here the change is the translation of ‘grandfather’ is putted in the first line before the pronoun.

Furthermore, the grammar involving the uses of prefixes, suffixes,  and confixes.  Indonesian have used the three of them: ‘me’, ‘ber’, ‘me-kan’, ‘ber-an’, ‘ber-kan’, ‘me-i’. For example, the differences between ‘menduduki’ and ‘mendudukkan’, ‘menandatangani’ and ‘menandatangankan’, etc. Those examples are added affixes of ‘me-i’ and ‘me-kan’. It’s clear that Indonesian emphasizes the learning process of the structure from the prefixes, suffixes, and confixes. In contrast, English emphasizes the learning process of the structure in a form of tenses.

            In the end, we know that there are still lots of differences between English and Indonesian. However, they are far beyond this essay. We hope that after you know the differences and the similarities. The way we learn those languages would be easier. Of course, the first thing to do is by solving the way we converting our logical minds from English to Indonesian or vice versa. Then, after solving the first problem, you may go on to the next level of language.




Universities that labeled Education Are always exist at least in every province that Indonesia has. The changes of education act have been given its impact. By the year of late 2000, almost all of these institutions changed its educational programs and what can be seen by all of us that every university changed his historic name of its institution. Of course, the university that based on education. This change has been given such a great effect. Some of them ought to manage and reconstruct in many aspects. They have to re-socialize the new name they have of their university. On of them is UPI which only 6 years old since it has changed. UPI is the new brand of an education-based university situated In reply to Bandung. UPI used to be so-called IKIP Bandung.

Situated far north of Bandung, UPI located on Setiabudhi Road 229, its changes from IKIP to UPI make its existence to be the one and only in Indonesia labeling education “Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia” to its university name. Through its changes, there are so many great effects. Since year 2000, officially UPI opened “Non Education Class” such as Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Sastra Inggris for example. Like UPI in East Java, 180 km eastern of Surabaya, there is exist one university named UNEJ which stands for “Universitas Jember” this name is the changes from what used to be called IKIP Jember. UNEJ located on Jalan Jawa Road 27, Bumi Tegal Boto.

In the same way yet in different time, UPI and UNEJ have several uniformity which are far not from college cost, dormitory, food price, the cultural religion, the friendship, and its cool atmosphere to be the place to college.

Beside their similarities, UPI and UJEJ have some differences, like the collect cost and the facilities. For example, the average college cost of the year 2004 students in UPI every semester is about 650.000 rupiahs. This value put UPI to become the cheapest college cost of State University in West Java. In contrast, UNEJ’s college cost is merely 350.000 rupiahs every semester. What a cheap cost isn’t it. Even though UPI has the lowest college cost, at least in west java, however, UNEJ hold the cheapest college coast in Java. Nevertheless, even the cost is so different, we cannot doubt about the quality of both universities.

In the facilities, both of them have similar environmental situation where besides the building there are so many tress around them. Unlike UNEJ, however, UPI’s building is various in form and shape. That because UPI is having some restoration in their physical appearance. The effect is some college students in several majors have to college in a ‘nomad’ situation where after they had a lecture then they should move to another building far from there.

In conclusion, both of them have so many similarities. However, there also many differences between them. Now, UPI that has autonomic authority is in the developing situation and UNEJ is in their peak of the development of Jember.




All of you must be expert when discussing why human can breathe. That because the only answer that can never be changed is, human only can breathe because there is oxygen. Then, where can we find that oxygen?. That’s not a good question because we know that as long as the air existed we can find oxygen. What should be a matter is where the oxygen produced, and for some of you may answer if the forest that produced it. Forest is a place where the ecosystem of flora and fauna lay which consist of natural resources that dominated by the trees. Now, in this essay I would like to say that there are many kinds of forest. According to its function the forest classified into four kinds, which are protected, preserved, tourism, and production forest.

The first kind is the protected forest, which has primer function as a patronage. This kind of forest function to supports and arranges the water system, prevents flood, controls the erosion, prevent the Sea water intrusion. This kind of forest, for example, is the mangrove forest in the north of Seribu archipelago.

The second kind is the preserved forest, which has certain features. This kind of forest functioned to preserve the variety of flora and fauna and the ecosystem. The preserved forest consists of two kinds: the nature pledge, and wild animal sanctuary. The nature pledge is a nature sanctuary place where because of its special flora, fauna, and ecosystem that needs to be preserved and its growth occurs naturally. The wild animal sanctuary is the place where it has special complexity and unique types of fauna. This kind of forest, for example, is the Comodo dragon sanctuary in Komodo Island.

The third kind is the tourism forest, which is purposed especially to be constructed and maintained for the significance of tourism or hunt tourism. Tourism forest consists of Tourism Park, Hunt Park, and Sea Park. Tourism park is a tourism forest, which has the beauty of nature whether is it flora or fauna. Nevertheless, the beauty of its nature which has special feature is to be used for the sake of recreation and cultural. Hunt Park is a tourism forest, which inside of it obtained hunting animal that possible for the sake of recreation. Sea Park is an open coast Sea or the ocean that still in the border of Indonesian Sea which inside consist of coral, ocean biota. This kind of forest, for example, is Bunaken Sea Park in North Sulawesi.

The last one is the production forest, which its primary function is to produce wood crop. The crop is intended for industrial needs and for medicine. One example of this forest is centered in the Borneo Island.

In the end, we know that based on its functions the forest differentiated into four kinds of forest. It’s not included other kind of forest based on another differentiation of those kinds of forest are differently intended for various purposes. Now, our job is to know those kinds of forest and to show our responsibility, let’s take care this forest and preserve it. Until, our ancestors proud to us for preserved it and our followers would still feel the benefit of the forest.

practical leadership in school ~


            Seringkali terngiang ketika mengikuti perkuliahan bahwa pemimpin itu dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua, diantaranya: pemimpin yang demokratis dan pemimpin yang otoriter, bahkan bisa juga gabungan dari keduanya. Kemudian, muncul kasta-kasta tentang mana yang lebih baik, namun ditinjau lebih jauh lagi bahwa kepemimpinan sejatinya tergantung situasi dan kondisi yang terjadi ketika itu dan ragam karakter yang dimiliki. Berbicara kepemimpinan, menarik sekali untuk menganalisanya dari sebuah institusi, dalam hal ini pendidikan. Sebuah sekolah secara praktis memiliki struktur organisasi yang dikomandoi oleh seorang Kepala Sekolah (KS).

KS sebagai perpanjangan tangan dinas pendidikan mempunyai amanah yang berat dimana apabila dia adalah seorang kepala rumah tangga. KS tersebut harus mengurusi anak-anak yang jumlah tidak sedikit katakanlah ratusan atau bahkan ribuan. Disinilah kemudian KS dengan privilege –nya yaitu sesuai dengan ketentuan perundangan-undangan yang berlaku ‘harus’ mengangkat wakil-wakilnya untuk membantu menyukseskan tugas-tugas yang di embannya.Untuk itu kemudian dengan terlebih dahulu membuat rencana kerja atau Job Desk sementara dan dalam tempo yang sesingkatnya melaksanakan mekanisme pemilihan yang sesuai untuk memilih wakil-wakilnya, diantaranya: wakil kepala sekolah, wakasek kurikulum, sarana dan prasarana, humas, dan kesiswaan dan beberapa Pembina Ekskul yang sesuai dan mewakili minat dan bakat yang dimiliki individu-individu sekolah tersebut.

Secara garis besar, masing-masing wakil dan Pembina memiliki Job Desk yang telah disepakati bersama untuk kemudian dirumuskan kembali dan diejawantahkan ke dalam program kerja. Setelah semua program kerja ini dirumuskan dan dibahas baik itu dari segi nama kegiatannya, pembiayaan dan tentunya penanggungjawab dari masing-masing program kerja tersebut, kemudian pihak sekolah menyosialisasikan kepada warga sekolah atau stakeholder.

Pada sisi ini, apabila hal ini berjalan lancar dimana indikatornya masing-masing wakil dan Pembina telah memahami ranah kerja masing-masing untuk kemudian melakukan evaluasi awal dimana salah satu atau dua program kerja dilaksanakan secara ‘tanpa cela’. Baik itu secara internal maupun eksternal. Maka dapat dikatakan KS telah berhasil memanjangkan tugas sekaligus memudahkan amanah yang diemban. Oleh karena itu KS telah melaksanakan amanah yang diemban dan secara top to down telah ‘berhasil’ melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik dan hal ini sangat signifikan dapat memberikan pencitraan awal yang baik bagi kinerja KS selanjutnya.

Tapi ‘apa daya, tangan tak sampai’. Ungkapan tersebut dapat terlontar apabila kenyataan terjadi sebaliknya. ‘Man propose, god dispose’. KS telah berusaha semaksimal mungkin, semampu tangan yang mampu diraihnya. Namun terkadang permasalahan selalu muncul dari bawah yang tentunya sangat berbahaya apabila seakan terus dibiarkan. Hal itu merupakan suatu kelumrahan, lagi pula tidak mungkin juga ‘jalan sungai selalu lurus’. Begitu tugas dengan tugas seorang KS.Disini Kognisi, psikomotor, dan afeksi KS di uji. Apabila dengan cepat-cepat permasalahan ini segera di akomodasi dan di cari jalan pemecahannya maka tidak akan menggunung. Apabila terjadi, maka titik kulminasi dapat terjadi cepat atau lambat yang dapat menimbulkan gesekan atau friction yang asalnya rapat dan karena friksi itu menjadi renggang. Hal ini rentan sekali terjadi apabila asupan dari bawah tidak terakomodasi dengan baik. Tampaknya apabila telah mencapai titik kulminasi, pengorbanan dari KS menjadi jalan yang baik. Apa salahnya asupan itu di dengar untuk kemudian direnungkan. Karena perenungan dapat mencerahkan penalaran kita. Peran aspiratif bagi seorang KS sangat perlu karena kecil kemungkinan menjejali rengrengan dalam waktu singkat. Lagipula tak ada yang salah dengan reformasi paradigma. Namun waktu berperan penting dan ini adalah kesempatan bagi KS untuk memanfaatkan waktu tersebut semaksimal mungkin dengan mendengarkan aspirasi dari bawah.

Apabila pada sisi ini KS telah melakukan hal, semoga saja segala permasalahan dapat teratasi. KS telah maju selangkah lebih baik karena telah melaksanakan amanat akan hakikat seorang manusia untuk terus terbuka dan belajar sepanjang hayat dari sekitarnya. Apabila demikian, berarti permasalahan dari bawah teratasi. Permasalahan bottom up has been solved.